Holistic Natural Healing
Success Story
"Dr.Kwok uses acupuncture to support my IVF treatment and I got pregnant with the first IVF cycle. ... I would recommend Dr. Kwok to everyone." - Kulthida J.
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Welcome! Our philosophy is simple: helping you to restore your inner harmony.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes harmony of Yin & Yang is the root of human health (阴平阳秘, 精神乃治). When dynamic balance of Yin & Yang is shifted, the inner harmony is broken and illness starts developing. Yin and Yang are two opposite objects, or two opposite aspects in one object. The opposing-attracting force of Yin & Yang governs everything in the natural world. Yin Yang disharmony is the most general pattern in TCM.
Similarly, fertility function is also a reflection of the Yin Yang harmony. Menstrual Cycle represents the female reproductive health. In TCM, women’s cycles reflect the flow of Yin Yang dynamic.
Our fertility does not work alone. A robust fertility function is based on a healthy body function. Our unique yet effective "Mind-Body-Nutrition" approach may potentially help to balancing your inner harmony, improving fertility, optimizing hormone levels, waking up some "sleeping" follicles, and becoming a mother one day.
Let us help you to restore your inner harmony!
Clinic Hours:
1:30pm – 5:30pm
1:30pm – 5:30pm
1:30pm – 5:30pm
1:30pm – 5:30pm

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2680 S. White Road, Suite 260A, San Jose, CA 95148
Why Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is drug-free natural healing method. It has long been recognized as an effective treatment for chronic pain, widely used for fertility, sleep problem, stress & anxiety, nausea/vomiting and digestion. Patients suffering seasonal allergies often get relief during their very first treatment.
Contact our office if you are interested in reading articles proving above statements.
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